Platelet Rich Plasma Injections


Regenerative Medicine is a branch of veterinary medicine in which the body’s own cells are used to heal and repair damaged tissue in acute or chronic conditions. These therapies have been used for decades in horses and humans and are now available for our companions.

Platelet Rich Plasma


Platelet Rich Plasma is a highly concentrated sample of blood that has been processed to contain a high number of platelets in the fluid portion of the blood known as plasma.


Platelets are potent cells that contain a reservoir of messenger proteins known as growth factors. When a vessel is damaged in the body, platelets are the first-in-line responders to go to the area and stop any further damage from occurring. Once at the site of damage, platelets release growth factors which signal to other cells in the body to repair the damaged tissue.

When other areas of the body are damaged but have poor/low blood circulation as seen in joints with arthritis, platelets are unable to make it to the area to heal the damaged tissue. By concentrating the platelets and injecting them directly into the area of injury/damage, we are able to harness the beneficial effects of the growth factors and place them in an area where they are needed most.


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